If you’ve been redirected here from Nativity, or St. Paul, it’s because we share the same process and staff to contact for reception of the sacraments!
What is a sacrament? As Catholics, we might have trouble giving a definition but according to the Baltimore Catechism a sacrament is “an outward sign, instituted by Christ to give grace”. (Q574) The US Catholic Catechism for Adults defines them as “an efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which divine life is dispensed to us by the work of the Holy Spirit.” (CCC#1131,774).
Through the sacraments, we encounter and worship God, form community, build up the Body of Christ, and grow in holiness. Through our faith and that of the Church, we are brought into greater conformity with the Will of God by celebration of these liturgies.
The seven sacraments can be divided up into three main categories: initiation, healing, and vocation. Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are the three Initiation sacraments. Reconciliation, also called Confession or Penance and Anointing of the Sick are the sacraments of healing. Finally, Matrimony and Holy Orders are called vocation sacraments.
Learn More About How to Receive The Sacraments
Preparing for each of the sacraments takes time and a commitment to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Our priest and faith formation team will meet with you to discuss the process and time frame needed for each of the sacraments. When you are ready to proceed, please contact the parish office, 414-482-2920, to find out exactly how to proceed. Our pastoral team is here to serve you and help you on your faith journey at every step of the way.
Baptism is the means by which its recipients are incorporated into the church in a sacramental bond of unity.
To have your child baptized at our parishes, you will need to be a registered parishioner or have written permission from the pastor of your current parish giving permission. Call the Parish Office at 414-482-2920 to get started! Parents need to attend a Baptism Preparation Session before scheduling a baptism date for their child. Register as a parishioner HERE.
Emergency Baptism
If your child is what the Catechism calls “in danger of death” and needs an Emergency Baptism, please contact the Parish Office at 414-482-2920 immediately. It should be known that in case of an emergency, ANYONE can baptize. All that is needed is water and the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” However, this should only be done if it does not seem like a priest or deacon can get there in time. Since the Sacrament of Baptism is a one-time occurrence, if an emergency baptism is performed, there is a special blessing ceremony that can be held at the church to include to godparents, grandparents, and other family and friends.
First Reconciliation
Through the sacrament of Baptism, a Catholic is given a new life in Christ. Human weakness threatens that new life. Sin came into the world through our first parents and we are subject to sin and death. However, Jesus came into the world to reconcile us to Himself. The Gospels give us numerous examples of His willingness to forgive sins. Only God can forgive sins, but Jesus wanted the Church to be His instrument of forgiveness on earth. “As the Father has sent me, so I send you…Receive the holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” (Jn 20:21-23)
Preparation for the Sacrament is offered for children in grade 2 and above who have completed one year of Religious Education. The program involves children attending St. Thomas Aquinas Academy, Religious Education classes, home- schooled or another Catholic school. Respecting the primary role of parents in the education of their child, parents are integral to the process and attend sessions with their child. The themes covered include: Christ’s mercy and forgiveness, sin, conversion and contrition.
Registration for the program is held at the end of August through mid-September. Email formation@southshorecatholic.org for questions.
First Eucharist
Eucharist is the “source and summit” of our Christian life. Through the Eucharist we are more intimately bound to Christ and His Church. It is the second of the three Sacraments of Christian Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. These rites “closely combine to bring us, the faithful of Christ, to his full stature and to enable us to carry out the mission of the entire people of God in the Church and in the world” (General Introduction, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, 2).
The Sacrament of Eucharist, also called Holy Communion, is celebrated with children aged 7 and up. A child must have already received the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to receiving the Eucharist. Preparation classes begin in January and culminate in the reception of First Eucharist during a weekend Mass at the home parish of the family. Dates for this parish celebration change each year.
Contact formation@southshorecatholic.org for information.
Youth Confirmation
Confirmation is the Sacrament that completes Baptism; through it the gift of the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon us. Anyone who freely decides to live a life as God's child and asks for God's Spirit under the signs of the imposition of hands and anointing with Chrism receives the strength to witness to God's love and might in word and deed. He is now a full fledged, responsible member of the Catholic Church.
To be eligible to celebrate Confirmation, you need to be at least 16 years of age and a junior in high school.
As a part of the South Shore Catholic Formation Program the Pastors require that teens complete two years worth of religious formation or are attending a Catholic High School in order to continue and be confirmed.
Confirmation candidates will have hands on classroom experience. Building upon the previous years of Formation, candidates will be able to understand how to put what they learned into action. Focusing on the movement of the Holy Spirit, students will be challenged to recognize God's presence in their lives-especially when it comes to making sound moral decisions and seeking social justice.
Confirmation candidates will participate in a retreat, church life, and prayer services. The sessions are conducted in a large group setting with further reflection and discussion in small groups.
Please contact Joshua Moore at formation@southshorecatholic.org with questions or for more information.
Congratulations on your engagement! The Sacrament of Matrimony is a beautiful gift of two souls pledging their fidelity to one another until death in the presence of God. To get started planning your wedding at St. Veronica, please contact the parish office at 414-482-2920 at least six months before your desired wedding date. Getting married at St. Veronica involves meeting with Fr. Carmelo for preparation and planning.
Anointing of the Sick
If someone is in need of immediate anointing and is living at home, please contact the Parish Office at 414-482-2920. Anointing of the Sick also occurs within a special Mass a few times a year.