Caring for Others
We follow the call of Jesus to love God by loving our neighbors through the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. We have a number of different ministries and committees that you can be a part of if you would like to be more involved in the parish. If you would like to talk over what ministry would best benefit from your unique gifts, or you have questions about any of the ministries listed below, please call the parish office at 414-482-2920 or email us at parishoffice@stvmke.org.
Art & Environment
Join our team of dedicated and creative members who plan and prepare our worship environment throughout the year to aid and help reflect our prayer. Contact Del Kahlstorf for more information at delk@stvmke.org.
Adult Ministry Team
The Adult Ministry Team envisions, oversees, coordinates, and evaluates all adult ministry programs and events in partnership with parish staff and under the overarching vision of parish formation, to help our members grow deeper in their relationship with God. Contact Lillian Ciske at lillian.ciske@gmail.com for more information.
Catholic Social Justice Committee
The Catholic Social Justice Committee was formed to educate ourselves and others on all aspects of Catholic Social Teaching. Our current focus is on racial justice and healing, which are essential to recognizing the Life and Dignity of the Human Person. We aim to learn and then take action to make this a world consistent with Jesus' teachings.
St. Simon of Cyrene is our patron saint. St. Simon heeded the call to carry Jesus' cross. His example inspires each Christian to bear burdens for those who cannot. Social justice is one burden that the Catholic Church calls each of its members to bear.
Christian Ladies Guild
All women of the parish are invited to join. Members attend Mass on the 1st Sunday of every month then gather after Mass for breakfast in Assisi meeting room to share faith and fellowship.
Finance Council
The Finance Council works in partnership with parish staff to oversee the parish budget, long-term financial strategies, and record keeping. Contact Fr. Carmelo at frcarmelo@stvmke.org for more information.
Formation Commission
The Formation Commission meets monthly to determine goals and objectives for parish-wide formation and ministry and provide guidance. Contact Josh at formation@southshorecatholic.org for more information.
Garden Ministry
Join our team of Gardeners who maintain the beautiful plants all around the church building.
Human Concerns Committee
The Human Concerns Commission gives direction and vision to parish outreach and prayer and support efforts. It provides support when needed for the various ministries. There are several sub-committees that fall under the umbrella of Human Concerns. Contact Fr. Carmelo at frcarmelo@stvmke.org for more information.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is an affiliated ministry within the parish. We are blessed to have active members who offer their support and service by living out their faith.
Knot Group
The Knot Group engages in the Fiber Arts –knitting, crocheting, embroidery, etc. – at the parish every week, All levels of skills are welcomed to join in, either on their own or parish projects like the recently completed Prayer Shawls.
Liturgical Ministry
There are a wide variety of roles in which you can choose to serve at Mass. All are important and needed. Each role is normally scheduled in advance by the specific ministry lead. We invite you to consider serving at Mass!
Mass Greeters
Altar Server-Students in grade 5 and up
Altar Server-Adult
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Hospitality Minister
By serving at Mass, you are helping lead people to God. Helping them to worship Him in spirit and in truth in communion with the Church—the one Body of Christ, that we may be filled with grace to go out into the world to love and serve the Lord. What greater service is there in the life of a parish? Contact Del Kahlstorf at delk@stvmke.org for more information.
Men’s Group
All gentlemen are welcome to join us every 2nd Saturday of the Month from 8-9:15am in the Assisi Room.
Music Ministry
The Sanctus Choir is open to all interested singers in high school and older. They provide music for holidays and weekend Masses from September through May. No experience is necessary, only a love of singing and commitment to Thursday evening rehearsals 6:30-8:30 PM. Sanctus Choir rehearsals begin September 15 at St. Veronica. The Sanctus Choir alternates between St Veronica and Nativity of the Lord on Sunday mornings, with monthly opportunities to sing for Mass at St Paul, as well.
The Resurrection Choir provides the very special service of music for funerals at St. Veronica and Nativity of the Lord. No experience is necessary. Rehearsals are the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 10-11:30am, beginning October 5.
Cantors lead the congregation in singing the Responsorial Psalm and Gospel Verse at Mass, as well as encouraging participation throughout. Those interested in serving as cantors must complete an audition with the director of music.
From time to time, we have need of instrumentalists to assist with the music for Mass.
If you are interested in joining any area of our Music Ministry, please contact Del Kahlstorf, Shared Director of Liturgy at 414-482-2920 x 1130 or delk@stvmke.org.
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners chosen from and by the parish community, who together with the parish priests guide and oversee parish affairs as the community attempts to fulfill the mission of the Church. The trustees of the parish corporation also serve on the pastoral council by virtue of their office. Contact Fr. Carmelo at frcarmelo@stvmke.org for more information.
Respect Life
Respect Life is a resource for parishioners to educate themselves on moral issues and life style consistent with the Catholic Church teaching that all life is sacred from conception to natural death. Respect Life covers a variety of topics throughout the year. The Committee broadcasts in parish bulletin announcements to advise the parishioner about speaker programs, prayer sessions for the protection of human life, and events that support organizations engaged in protecting the value of human life. Contact Fr. Carmelo at frcarmelo@stvmke.org for more information.
Stewardship Engagement Team
The Stewardship Engagement Team works to promote a vibrant, spiritually motivated and financially secure parish. Creativity is needed to foster a culture of engagement in mission and ministry. Contact Fr. Carmelo at frcarmelo@stvmke.org for more information.
St. Veronica's Food pantry provides food for parishioners and neighbors in need. The pantry is open every Wednesday from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. Saint Veronica's Food Pantry is supported by parishioner donations to the "Feed and Shelter" ministry. It also receives food from Hunger Task Force and Feeding America. First-time pantry visitors are provided a gift certificate for Saint Veronica's thrift shop. Breakfast is served on Saturday mornings as well. Parishioners are welcome to join us for breakfast or helping out.
St. Veronica Food Pantry
St. Veronica's Food pantry provides food for parishioners and neighbors in need. The pantry is open every Wednesday from 4:00 to 6:00pm. It is also open the First and Third Saturday of the month from 9:00-11:00am. Saint Veronica's Food Pantry is supported by parishioner donations to the "Feed and Shelter" ministry. It also receives food from Hunger Task Force and Feeding America. First-time pantry visitors are provided a gift certificate for Saint Veronica's thrift shop. Parishioners are welcome to join us for meals or helping out.
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul is a team of parishioners who offer help and hope to individuals and families in need. Our efforts are focused on the southside of Milwaukee. We meet twice monthly (1st & 3rd Mondays) where we discuss the requested needs in our area and assign two home visit volunteers. We conduct home visits to determine the extent of the individuals or family’s needs. We pray with and offer other resources that might assist the family/individual to move toward independence. As a group we work to encourage spiritual growth with the help of our advisor and develop friendship across the team.